How it looks

Ugly dilated Tortuous veins

  • Ugly looking veins which are dilated due to rise in venous pressures.
  • Pain in the legs progressively increases towards the evening due to prolonged standing. There is very little pain in the mornings.
  • Heaviness of the legs is common complaint and it is due to the stagnation and pooling of the blood along with the mild oedema.
  • Prominent blue capillaries around the ankle due to increased venous pressure and is an early sign of venous hypertension.
  • Discolouration around the ankle with darkening of the skin called stasis dermatitis.
  • Lipodermatosclerosis which is hardening of the skin around the ankle and is due to prolonged venous pressure.
  • Venous ulcer depicts late stage of this medical condition where the skin finally breaks down at the ankle.
  • Sudden bleeding is generally massive with patient coming to the casualty. It is once again a result of the high pressure in the varicose veins.
  • Cramps when making a sudden move like standing up.
  • Minor injuries bleed more or take time to heal.
  • Restless leg syndrome is common with varicose veins.


Venous Ulcer

Venous Ulcer